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How to stop or cancel my SIP investment in Kotak Neo app?

You can edit, stop or cancel your mutual fund SIP investment anytime online. Here is the process on how to stop mutual fund SIP in the Kotak Neo app;

  1. Enter your Kotak Securities login credentials to login to the Neo app.
  2. Click on the “Invest” option at the bottom bar.
  3. Select mutual funds under the other investment option.
  4. At the bottom, tap on Reports >>> Manage SIP.
  5. Tap on the 3 dots of the scheme and click on Edit SIP option.
  6. Now click on Stop SIP and your SIP will be stopped.

Note: To increase or decrease your SIP investment, tap on modify the SIP option. Enter the new SIP amount and new SIP date. Submit the order and your SIP will be modified.

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