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Upstox Global Investment

Upstox customers can invest in 60+ different stock exchanges across 25 countries through the Upstox Global Investment Platform. To start global investment, you have to open Upstox Global Investment Account online using the Upstox Pro app. With this, you can invest in multinational stocks like Apple, Google, Tesla, Mercedes, etc., and diversify your investment portfolio.

10 Steps to open Upstox Global Investment Account Online;

Install and open the Upstox Pro mobile app, under the menu options, click on the “Global Investment” option and follow the below process;

  1. Enter personal details like name, DOB, and country of residence.
  2. Now, click the “Tap to Upload” and upload your PAN Card.
  3. Financial information: Add details like net worth, annual net income, etc.
  4. Enter the source of funds like salary, pension, property, others.
  5. Provide details about the past investment experience like years, the number of trades per year, etc.
  6. Add affiliation information for your Global Investment account.
  7. Provide regulatory information.
  8. Accept agreements and disclosures.
  9. E-sign the global investment account.
  10. Application to open Upstox Global Investment Account is successfully placed and after verification, the global account will be activated and login credentials will be e-mailed.

For more details please visit : Open Upstox Global Investment

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